Cyber Operations YouTube


Cyber DAN's ability to adapt to any network situation allows you to place a Cyber DAN virtually anywhere in the world.  You can use Cyber DAN with a dial-up system, DSL, cable, Ethernet or wireless Internet connection. Cyber DAN is controlled from any web browser anywhere in the world making it the most adaptive system on the market.

Intelligent Media Scheduling

  • Schedule a movie to play at a future time
  • Restrict display playing hours for particular clips
  • Play a movie on weekends only
  • Play advertisers' ads during business hours, and play company ads after hours
  • Play ads randomly using shuffle mode

Technical Features

  • Plays the following formats: swf, mpg, mp3, mp4, avi, asf, qt, mov, fli, flc, wav, wma, wmv, ra, rm, m2v, jpeg, and many more
  • High-Definition supported
  • Customizable screen layouts to personalize each display
  • Stream live web feeds with audio and video to a specific viewport
  • Display web pages for interactive kiosk applications
  • Dynamic direct messaging to quickly delivery information without media creation
  • Show specific weather information based on a Cyber DAN's location
  • All media is stored online for easy management from anywhere in the world
  • Changes to the media library automatically propagates to all affected Cyber DANs in the network
  • Playlists and media can be shared among accounts allowing advertisers management of content, while keeping control of Cyber DAN in the hands of the administrator
  • Optional TV input for custom applications
  • Plays ads with or without audio
  • Operates wirelessly over the Internet with optional equipment
  • Operates over the Broadband connection with optional equipment
  • Names each receiver, complete with location information in the Cyber DAN interface
  • Intelligent ad scheduling lets you play ads only on certain dates, days of the week, number of times an hour, or times of day
  • Player intelligently maintains media library to reduce network traffic
  • All communication is encrypted for maximum security
  • Supported Video Output Types: DVI, VGA, HDMI with adapter, S-Video, Composite Video, and Component Video
  • Optional TV Control: Turn TV off during off-hours operation, Set TV volume remotely from management interface, Disable TV remote and physical TV controls from the management interface, Automatically sends email notifications in the event the TV is not functioning properly.

In-Depth Reporting

  • Number of times each ad has played
  • Current play list on the Cyber DAN unit
  • Report on a player, theme, file, folder, or playlist
  • Customize reports for direct use for billing to customers
  • Last call-in time
  • Next call-in time
  • Selectable date range
  • Configuration data
  • ID Number
  • Description
  • Location

Screen Crawl - Displays scrolling text across the screen

  • Control text color
  • Control text size
  • Control background color
  • Control scroll speed
  • Set the crawl background to be transparent, opaque, or even set a certain opacity
  • Include self-updating date and time in text
  • Optionally feed text from a website
  • Show current stock price and stock info
  • Display pictures